Grey Wolf Debate

People have been talking about grey wolf on how they shouldn’t be taken off the endanger species list and how they should. In Minnesota and Wisconsin you can hunt gray wolves. There are about 5,500 in the lower 48 states. Also about 3,800 in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Back then when gray wolves weren’t being hunted it was nice for the gray wolves because there use to be way more gray wolves. But now there’s only about 9,300. I’m not on a side but here are two reasons they should stay on the endangered species list and why they shouldn’t. They should stay on the endangered species list because there are only about 9,300 of them and they are helping are ecosystems. And they should be taken off the endangered species list because they kill lots of animals and they put us in danger.

Image result for gray wolf

picture by Wikimedia Commons


If you didn’t know what a pollutant is. A pollutant is a substance that pollutes something all so water and the atmosphere. And animals and plants too. In my class we are learning about acid rain, fertilizer and, road salt. Acid rain destroys or ruins objects. When road salt washes away it goes in to lakes,streams and, rivers. It also ruins the quality of the water and harms aquatic animals and aquatic plants. Fertilizer can get into water and get rid of the oxygen in the water. And can lead to aquatic animals to die. We are growing rye grass in our class so we can test what would happen if we put acid rain, fertilizer and, road salt on rye grass to see what would happen. I think acid rain is going to do the worst because acid rain destroys stuff over time and fertilizer ruins water so does road salt and there’s mostly a plant. People shouldn’t use so much fertilizer or road salt. And people shouldn’t use there exhaust  so much on their vehicles so much.

Related imagePicture by Wikimedia common




Beginning blogging

Hey my name is James and i’m in fifth grade. Also my favorite hobby is video games and sports. And one thing that I am learning that I like is math. Also we’re learning a new game in PE is food group flag football, so this is how you play. There are two teams yellow team and green team, there’s three hoops each hoop has three or two balls. And you need to get all the balls in all your hoops. Also if you are behind the hoops you can’t get your flag pulled. And if you do get your flag pulled you have to do 15 jumping jacks. And if you want you can throw the ball to a team mate.

I think blogging is really cool.

Image result for school gympicture credit given to Wikipedia